RH Murphy Co., globally-known patent holder and manufacturer of IC matrix trays and semiconductor test and burn-in carriers, is also your experienced supplier of custom waffle pack chip trays.

Custom waffle packs manufactured by RH Murphy Co. deliver the same high quality, performance, and innovation for which their JEDEC matrix trays and carriers have been known.

Traditional waffle packs, or waffle pack trays, can be generally described as thin trays, usually 2” or 4” square, with a regular pattern of separator ribs that create pockets, making the trays look like a waffle.

Are you looking for a larger JEDEC Matrix Tray (sometimes called JEDEC waffle trays)? Take a look at JEDEC Matrix Trays.

Waffle pack chip trays are primarily used to handle and transport bare die or chip scale packages (CSP) and usually have simple rectangular pockets. Custom waffle pack trays are popular for applications where processes are already set for the waffle pack format but special properties are needed, like bakeable material or unique pocket geometry.

Waffle Pack Tray Features

  • Molded of NoStat® ESD-safe, non-sloughing, carbon-powder-free, clean polymers
  • Carbon-fiber reinforced for strength and permanent ESD protection
  • Up to 200°C bake temperature available
  • Industry-standard formats, customized for your needs

Applications for Waffle Pack Chip Trays

Waffle pack chip trays are popular for handling, storing, and transporting small, 2.5D (flat with some thickness but no significant contour) components in a manual process. While there are automated systems to move waffle packs, the trays themselves lack features to facilitate automation.

Waffle pack trays are a good choice for new components moving into existing processes that already use waffle packs. Waffle packs are small, thin and convenient for small parts and, like JEDEC matrix trays, they are well established and are an unofficial standard format for handling small parts and sensitive microelectronics like semiconductor die, photonics optics, and chip scale components. Like JEDEC matrix trays, there is an established supply base for waffle pack tray accessories like covers and clips.

Benefits of Using Waffle Trays

Waffle pack trays are popular because of their compact size. For small die, chip scale packages (CSP), and similar sized components, where a full size JEDEC matrix tray would be too large, waffle packs offer similar industry acceptance and component protection with a much smaller footprint.

Waffle packs stack, creating protective compartments for your parts. Their size makes waffle packs easy to package and transport.

Waffle pack trays are popular for manual loading and unloading. There are commercial feeders available. We even make JEDEC matrix trays to serve as “adaptors” for processing waffle pack chip trays in JEDEC tray feeders and handlers.

Compared to the typical waffle pack found in catalogs or on distributor shelves, RH Murphy Company builds custom waffle packs sized specifically for your parts, molded of material selected for your needs, with the custom features you want.

  • Component support features
  • Temperature rating
  • Color
  • Engraving
  • Reference marks and fiducial
  • Special size or thickness


The external dimensions of waffle pack chip trays are well established as indicated by their designations: 2 x 2 is two inches square, 4 x 4 is four inches square, and so on. The variability is in the pocket size, geometry and count.

Waffle pack trays are usually specified by a few characteristics.

  • External size – 2”, 4”, etc.
  • Pocket size or pocket count – choosing one will dictate the other
  • Temperature rating – the maximum temperature at which the tray will be used

Custom waffle pack trays require additional specification.

  • Component geometry
  • Special process requirements
  • Quantity of trays needed or quantity of components that will be processed (this helps determine the appropriate manufacturing process to be used for tray manufacturing)

Pricing & Availability

Custom Waffle Pack Tray pricing varies based on order quantities, tray material, and tray design – higher quantities have lower prices, less than 500 the price rises sharply – non-bakeable trays have lower prices than bakeable trays – the NRE Charge associated with a new tray mold ranges from $8k to $25k.

New custom molded waffle pack trays, requiring a new mold, generally ship in five to ten weeks from the date of order, depending on the type of tooling being built and the amount of time the customer needs to evaluate first article samples.

Trays that are in stock ship within one to two business days.

Trays that are tooled but not in stock usually ship within four weeks.

Request a Quote

JEDEC Matrix Trays are the best answer to many questions. Your next step is to tell us about your needs so we can build the correct tray for your application. A drawing, model or sample of your part and a few simple details are all we need to connect you with your custom JEDEC matrix tray.

Here is the information we will use to generate your waffle pack quotation.

  • Sample, CAD model, or drawing of the part (or required pocket dimensions) with accurate dimensions (± .005”/0.13mm)
  • Quantity of parts for which you will need waffle packs, now and overall, and anticipated ordering quantities
  • Timeline for your waffle pack requirements
  • Temperature requirements – Do you need bakeable waffle packs ( or non-bakeable
  • How waffle packs will be used – shipping, storage, processing, automated or manual handling
  • Any special requirements for your process

Call us, send an email, or click here to receive your quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a waffle tray and a matrix tray?

While some use the terms interchangeably, waffle tray usually refers to a 2 x 2 (2” square) waffle pack chip tray often used for bare die and CSPs. Matrix tray usually refers to a larger JEDEC outline IC tray used for packaged microelectronics. We offer both, as well as custom sized trays. Tell us what you are doing and we will help you choose the best tray type.

Why is a custom waffle pack tray better than the waffle packs I can buy on the internet?

Most waffle packs you find stocked and advertised by distributors have very simple pocket shapes and are made of non-bakeable plastic. These are fine if you are using them for simple rectangular die and not trying to automate. Custom waffle pack chip trays can have pockets that fit your parts more precisely or support your parts while protecting lenses, terminals, pads, solder balls, or other features. They can be molded of high temperature, bakeable or special colored materials. With a custom waffle pack tray, you get the features and performance that you need.

What are custom waffle pack chip trays made of?

Waffle packs are usually injection molded using some type of electrically conductive plastic. The exact material is chosen to match your requirements.

Is there a minimum order quantity (MOQ) for custom waffle pack trays?

Although there may be some versions that might be held in stock, most orders will require a molding setup. From a practical standpoint, order quantities should be at least a few hundred. Orders for fewer than several hundred will likely be subject to a “lot charge”. Tell us what you need and we will optimize the offer to match.

How are waffle pack trays held together?

Waffle packs can be stacked or used individually but they should always be covered. When stacked, each loaded tray is the cover for the tray below. But the top tray has no cover. The solution is to put an empty waffle pack tray on top of the stack.

Once covered, the stack can be held together with tape, an elastic band, or one of the commercial clips. The clips are designed to hold a single pair of trays or a specific number of stacked trays.

Can waffle pack trays be 3D printed?

Yes, waffle packs can be 3D printed. But the available processes and materials do not currently match molded trays. There are very few ESD-safe printing materials and they are still “work in progress”. Printed tray tolerances are larger and flatness has not been as good. If you need only a few custom waffle pack trays, 3D printing may be an acceptable option. Let’s talk about your requirements.