
Static electricity is all around, ready to destroy your parts. Electro-static discharge, ESD, that little spark from your finger, is strong enough to kill electronics on the spot or turn them in time bombs, failing in use when your customer is depending on your parts. ESD-safe matrix trays provide critical protection and simplify your manufacturing, shipping, and storage. They should be an integral part of your ESD management protocol

ESD component trays must provide two types of protection. First, the trays should prevent static discharge to the parts in the trays or in the general area. They do this by isolating the parts from static charges originating from surrounding objects, people or even air flow, and by not building a static charge as the trays slide through equipment or across surfaces (triboelectric generation, like picking up a charge when you walk across a carpet). Static electricity build up can destroy any part close enough trigger a discharge.

Second, sometimes parts get put into trays still carrying a remaining charge from a test process. If the tray is too conductive, a direct short-circuit will allow rapid discharge, damaging the part. Too conductive packaging can be as bad as not conductive enough when you’re looking for ESD protection. This is why metal trays can be bad. Although people talk about ESD conductive packaging, you really want to have dissipative or antistatic trays. It’s a subtle, but important, difference.

If you committed to preserving the value and function of your components, and the quality of your work environment, ESD trays should be high on your list of must-haves. An avoidable failure due to electro-static discharge can be an expensive lesson.


The Best Material For Your Application

NoStat® ESD-safe polymers have been formulated specifically for anti-static trays. We also offer ESD-safe trays with anti-static coating and molded with intrinsically conducting polymers.

Clean and Free of Carbon Dust

You don’t want carbon powder contaminating your parts or your work space. Some ESD conductive packaging is so dirty you can actually write on paper with it. Don’t let the low prices trick you into spreading carbon dust onto your parts and into your equipment.

Mechanical Protection

It’s critical to protect your product from ESD damage. But you also need to make sure your parts are not physically damaged. This requires strong, impact-resistant materials and proper design. RH Murphy Company’s ESD-safe trays provide complete protection.